Real ills 11
No this is not about real ills (sickness), but about devotions from Real Life Illustrations. These are true earthly illustrations that reveal a spiritual truth. We encourage you to find illustrations from your life to share with others about what God is doing in your own life. Just click on the blue titles.
What Day Is It?
Since my wife and I retired we often ask what day it is. Some weeks we lose a day and other weeks, we gain a day. Then I looked back into history and found that answering that question is very complex. There were so many different calendars, Some had 10 months and others 13 months. Some started the year March 1. To try and correct things, the Julian calendar year 45 BC had 445 days. In 1582, the Gregorian year only had 355 days. How was year 0 determined which was Raman calendar year 754UAC.? Read this devotional and let us know what day and year it really is “One day, it will not matter what day it is.”
Love and Marriage
This February 14, who will you be sending your Valentine card to? Who is your lover? Opposite, Same, or Transgender. I know who my sweetheart is. She is my wife.
Stop, Secret Pal
My mother-in-law went to be with the Lord a year ago. Secret Pal the cards and notes kept coming. We wish they would stop, because the person sending does not even care that she has passed. Whoever it is, please stop. We do not need secret pals. We need friends that truly care. We need friends that have the love of I Corinthians 13.
Pray for Amey
We watch Amey the neighbor’s one-year-old several times a week. She is the best child ever. When I hold her and kiss her little head, I cry and pray for her future. I pray for her protection and direction in life. I pray that she might become born again. I pray that she might be a shining light in this dark world. I pray also for her parents, that they too might become saved.

Memorial Service
I recently received a written invitation to attend a Memorial Service. According to the invite, it was for a great person. His teachings were great and should be followed. He instructed us to do this in remembrance of him. But wait a minute. The person they were referring to was not dead. He is alive! I just spoke to Him this morning. I know He is alive, because of His amazing nature, His answers to prayers and His miracles in my life. “He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: He has risen from the dead.”

Total Eclipse of the Son
Recently, an eclipse of the sun could be seen by many in the US. According to NASA, the first recorded eclipse took place on November 30, 3340 BC. When there is a total eclipse of the sun, there is the absence of light, direction, and activity. This reminds me of when there is a total eclipse of the Son. There is the absence of light to the meaning of life. There is a lack of direction for life. There is no meaningful activity in life
Don’t Do Things For The Lord
On April 29, 2014, I was within ten minutes of seeing the Lord in person. My heart went into total heart block. I was rushed to the hospital. I needed a special pacemaker, which arrived at the hospital just the day before. I soon realized that the Lord had a special plan for me. It took a total heart block to give me a new heartbeat. I had to stop just working for the Lord. I had to let Him work through me so that I cannot claim any credit. God does not need or want our abilities only our availability. Is God working through you or are you just doing things for Him?
I Problem
The lack of self-worth, self-confidence, self-identity, self-direction, and self-assurance is a part of many persons’ personality. In this case, I is your worst enemy and you cannot hide from I. To overcome this, you must look up and not in. God has a plan, a purpose, a reason and wants to use you. You are important. Do not say I can’t.
Retirement Fund
But a better idea is to invest it in a place where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, where thieves do not break through and steal, where taxes, inflation, stock market and others cannot touch it. That is right you cannot take it with you, but you can have treasurers in heaven waiting for you. Invest in gold, they say. But why? That is used on streets in heaven. “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Matt 6:21
Our Father
Across America, 2022 data indicates there are approximately 18.3 million children who live without a father in the home, comprising about 1 in 4 US children. Fathers spend time with your children and your grandchildren. Take them to church activities. Play with them. Listen to them. The future of this country depends on your involvement and leadership in the family. Also, The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
We are already dropping Mr. Mrs., Miss. I guess soon we will be dropping he, him, her and she and use they, their, and them or whichever. Soon our birth certificates, medical records and legal documents will no longer list male or female. It is becoming really hard to tell who is what. Pray for America who is changing who we are.
A Smorgasbord Chapel
When I taught College and Career Sunday School, I had a series on different religions. I compared their beliefs and books to the Bible. Many are religious and sincere about their beliefs but without knowing the Christ of the Bible they are sincerely wrong. Instead of having a dead religion, have a living relationship.
We Are All Olympians
The Olympics is not the opening or closing ceremonies. It is about competition, companionship, and camaraderie. It is wrong to use the Olympias to promote entertainment, ideology, or commercialism. It is a personal disciple that strives for a goal. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Prov. 29:18 Like it or not, we are Olympians in a spiritual race with the finish line quickly approaching. “Let us go for the incorruptible gold.”
A Second, Third, and Even More Chances
When I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, I confessed my sins, and all things became new. However, I still had my old nature which war against me and God. I will not become sinless until I reach heaven. I confess my sins of commission and omission daily to the Lord. He not only forgives, pardons, cleanses but also forgets. When I say,” Lord, I am sorry I did it again.” He replies, “Did what again?”

In Country We Trust?
We need to pray and decide who will be best to run our Country on their past record. We need to pray and decide whose values have not changed just to win. We need to pray and decide whose words are more truthful, meaningful, and helpful. We need to pray and decide where the leaders are getting their wisdom. We need to pray and decide if we want to depend more on the government to meet our needs or the Lord. The issues over abortion, illegal aliens, crime, gay rights need to be refocused to the root cause: our rapid immorality. Economics, WWIII, climate, drugs, and gangs are not the biggest threat to America. The biggest threat is the destruction of the family and the church.

We All Wrestle.
Whether or not you like it, we all wrestle. It could be either financially, mentally, emotionally, socially, physically or spiritually. For many of us, we are grappling with more than one issue at a time. Like my oldest son, it seems like we can never win or just get a head. Because life is not easy, you need someone that not only believes in you but who will also empower you. That someone is Jesus Christ. Your battles may be many but “greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” I John 4:4b “Victory is not a matter of hoping but of trusting and believing.”
Class Reunion
A few weeks ago, I attended my 50th high school reunion. I had not been in contact with anyone since graduation. When I got there, I thought I was in the wrong place. I did not recognize anyone. They all looked old except me. I look forward to a greater reunion in Heaven, where I will see my Grandmother, Mother, Father and so many others. We will have a great time of remembering, sharing, and worshipping God.

Vote For Who?
What angers me most about this upcoming election are the comments of "both sides" and the information or misinformation that each side has. You see it on both sides… With each new post we become more and more divided on our views and the issues. The only place I am going to get my information from is the good Lord above through much prayer and supplication. I will trust my faith in Jesus Christ to lead me to the best information and in the best direction to go. I will trust Him to separate the "chaff from the wheat" and not “lean upon my own understanding" to make the best decision. In the end as a Christian, I know that He will guide me to a decision that is not only good for me, but right for this country that I love so much.
The Special Ballot.
My wife’s recent election mail-in ballot was special in attention, receiving, delivery, count and results. It was truly a God thing. “If you do not have God in your election, you are a loser even if you win.”
Are Quakers Christian?
I recently had the opportunity of touring a local 1850 Quaker meetinghouse, which they still use but having no utilities. As a historian, I learned a lot about their history. However, as a Christian, I did not know anything of what they believe and how they do unprogrammed worship, so I asked. I soon learned that the question was difficult to answer.
Click above for their answer.
There is No Room.
But the bigger question is: Do you have room in your Christmas, in your daily life and in your heart for Jesus? Do not be like the innkeeper and say, “There is no room.” There should be no reason why Jesus must be out of your world, your family, or your life. He is knocking at your door. Take the time to pray, worship, read His Word and enjoy His fellowship this Christmas and all year long.

My Cellphone Taught Me a Lesson.
After returning from walking to the park, I wanted to call my wife, but I could not find my cellphone. With Google “Find Your Phone”, I turned on the continuously beep option. I listened for the sound but I did not hear it. With the continuous beeping left on, I decided to retrace my steps outside. I heard it outside. But I saw nothing in my yard, nothing in my flower bed, nothing in the street, and nothing in my car. I gave up the search until I had sunlight. Wouldn’t you know it? That night, the worst storm in 30 years hit our area. With this storm, I knew my cellphone was now wet and dead. I said, “Why God?”
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